Over a year ago I posted a blog piece on whether I would have been considered a mystic

 in times past or burned at the stake as a witch. I expect the latter.

 I have had so many God messages over the years, so many times when I thought I was at the bottom of a dark pit and then God lifted me up in her warm arms saying, "Take heart, my child, I am with you." Always and always.

 But to bring this question up to date, let me share a few God messages from recent times:

 1/ I was taking my daily walk on the deck to keep healthy, listening to the bird calls and reveling in their flights to and fro from our feeder. I told God, "I am really going to miss birds in heaven." (Notice how sure I am of my final destination!) And the immediate response was, "What makes you think there are no birds in heaven?"


 2/ A few weeks back I was again walking on deck, reciting the Rosary to myself, and thinking, "I just have not done enough in God's world, have not reached out to the poor, have not supported the marginalized." Again, the immediate answer was, "You are enough." Thank God. Thank God for this support.What a world is embraced in this simple word, "enough." And I extend these warm words to you as well: "You are enough."

3/ Once I was worrying about one of my kids and their future, hoping that all would work out. God told me, " What makes you think I don't have a plan for ...?" Now, my theology does not ascribe to God having plans for each of us, although I know many people do believe this. So, this was a serious surprise but also rather comforting. Then I have to wonder, "What is God's plan for my life?"


4/ This is the very question I asked recently: "What should I do with the end years of my life? What do You want me to do?" Again, the response was immediate. "Go out and love the world!" I gather the world is in need of love right now. Then it is up to me to figure out how this love is shared, what things I need to do.

5/ For those of you who think God doesn't have a sense of humor, here is one message I received a year ago. I cannot remember the context, only that I was shying away from what God had told me to do. In an exasperated tone she said, "What is the purpose of talking to you when you won't listen?" Humbling.

6/ Then I was rummaging through the news on my iPad, worrying as usual about the state of the world, and what came clearly into my mind were these words: "Why are you reading the news inside when the news is outside?" Indeed.

7/ Once, as I followed the many health and illness sites I connect with on FB (because both I and my younger son have Dysautonomia,

 and I like to be up to speed on what others' experiences are and what the latest research offers..), God told me, "Do not take on others' sorrows." Which is damn good advice because this is exactly what I do: what can I do for you? How can I help? What new research would be perfect for your condition? These are questions always circling about inside as I look at the posts on various illnesses. Why must I take on the world? Isn't that God's job? Sheesh!

All I can say is--I have received grace upon grace in abundance. We all know we do not deserve grace, that it is the cloak of God's love wrapped around us if we could only be aware. 

I feel this cloak of love (see Julian of Norwich for more on this) intermittently, but when I do, I am brought to my knees, sobbing. My suggestion is this: try talking to God and keep your ears, soul, and mind open for her responses. Because they will be there. And if you do not hear or think them right away, in time I believe you will.




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