One of my favorite Bible verses...among the Gesarenes demoniac where Jesus commands the demons to leave the man, then sends them into the swine who perish leaping over the cliff into the lake (lessons in how to make yourself instantly unpopular) when Peter and John come to the Beautiful Gate leading to the Temple in Jerusalem. There a crippled man is begging for alms.  (Acts 3:6) 

  But Peter said, "Look at us." Then he says, "I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give to you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk." And he did, "...walking and leaping and praising God." (Acts 3: 8)

  This made me think about how I pray and beg at the Beautiful Gate, hoping to see Jesus, hoping for healing from numerous ailments. Let me list a few of them, in a slightly embarrassed manner, because I like to present myself as a broad who "has it all together." Not true, not at any time in my long and blessed life.

1/ My leg and foot neuropathy, so I could walk and hike long distances.


2/ My dizziness from Orthostatic Hypotension which sometimes makes walking or gardening challenging, even causing me to fall.

3/ My weird right foot Extensor Tendonitis which causes pain while walking. 

4/ The bone on bone right knee, hoping I die before another replacement.

5/ My need to be right, otherwise known as ANNIE KNOWS BEST.

6/ My damn interfering talking to Rick about to do something who knows what he is doing, but I think I know better--see number 4. 

7/ The pain from my early sexual abuse.

8/ The trauma from being shot at age 7. 

9/ The sorrow over my mom's early death and my guilt for not being there more for her. 


   But then, I want to post a joy for every sorrow, trauma, and ailment I have just listed. My joys include:

1/ Living on a high hill overlooking the Conn. River Valley.


2/ Abundant birds: Hawks, Bluebirds, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers,Titmice, Chickadees, Juncos,  Summer Tanagers, House Finches, and more which I cannot remember. Forgot to mention my less than marvelous memory.

3/ The UCC church just down the road with a marvelous new pastor, a grand congregation, new music minister who is fabulous, our choir, and friends galore.


4/ A husband I adore to whom I have been happily married for 57 years, with only a few scratchy patches.

5/ Two amazing adult children who are grounded, working in mental health, and both have wonderful senses of humor, compassion for others, and great work ethics.

6/ An adopted 9 year-old Rough Coat Jack Russell Terrier who makes us laugh, destroys expensive eyeglasses, does Carpet Snoofing on the rug with attendant snorts.


7/ Another church this time in Northampton, Catholic, with a beautiful Mass to celebrate and the profound healing in the Eucharist.

  I know there are more joys than problems, and that is always what we hope for. Or, as one doctor said to a chronically ill patient, "I can't cure you, but what I hope for is more good days than bad ones."

 Amen, sir! 


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