I cannot be the only one who has developed a nervous tic in the last year. 

I know this is the 4th dreadful year of Potus and his GOP enablers, but somehow, this year has gone on endlessly. A recent FB post I saw said, "2020 Has Gone On For 5 Years." Amen.

In my recent post I mentioned how weary I am and how weary all of my family, faith and friends are. We are doing our best. Truly, I believe that: getting up in the morning, feeding the dog, making breakfast for honey and me, putting out bird feeders, checking our mail, giving money to the Survival Center, wearing our masks (assuming we GO anyplace, but for me right now, not able to drive, going nowhere, thank you, ma'am), listening to books on Audible, praying, exercising, making phone calls--you get it. I am sure you are doing the same!

But this year I have developed a nervous tic, which makes me insane, and I can't seem to get rid of it. Perhaps if some of Trump's kids passed on some white powder to me, I might be able to quell it, but then again, maybe not.

 Remember "Shot In the Dark" with Peter Sellers as Monsieur Clusot? 

Remember the head of the French Surete who developed a serious eye-tic as a result of Clusot's crazy antics?

 I doubt I have ever laughed as hard as I did at that movie! But put Trump and the awful GOP in Clusot's place, put me as the head of the French Surete, and you have got it.

About the time of the lockdown, when I was recovering from knee surgery and walking on our big front deck using my cane, I noticed I was making an old-lady grunt-coughing sound as I walked. What the hell? Where did this come from, and how do I stop it? It has continued without abatement since then, any time I am up and about, moving, exercising, walking the dog, cooking, etc. Fortunately, it does not seem to occur when I am reading or on my devices (with many different kinds of eyeglasses and eyepatches on), but as soon as I get up and move around, there is that damn throat stutter. The only thing that works is to keep my mouth open and breath slowly through my mouth. But you can't do that all the time.

So, feel free to share your Trump Nervous Tics with me in the add a comment place. And know that you won't see it appear immediately, because I have to go to the Site, as moderator, and give it my approval. Someone tried to sell vitamins on this blog, and I erased them damn quick! Keep walking, keep praying, eat good food, phone your peeps, and know that very very soon Biden and Harris will be getting in. Not before more damage created by Trump and the GOP, of course, but then we can begin, just begin, pray God, to repair some of the last 4 year's horrible damage. And maybe, if God is good, my nervous tic will disappear!


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