As many of you may know, we are the proud owners of a 17 year-old Jack Russell Terrier, 

amazed that she has lasted this long. However. About 1 and 1/2 years back, Nita started having seizures, and if you have never seen a dog seizing, count yourself lucky. 

It is just horrifying. And the only thing you can do is pick your dog up and hold them close to your body. Afterwards, it takes them time to come back to normal, and usually, our dog walks swiftly around and around the house, the aftermath of her brain seizure. So. She has a brain tumor, according to our wonderful vet, nothing to be done, just give her anti-seizure meds and hope for the best.

BUT--one part of Nita having a brain tumor is that she is becoming incontinent. Not too bad during the day as we keep an eagle eye on her, letting her out frequently and rewarding her with treats when she comes in. The nigh time is another case entirely. We put down massive amounts of pee-pads all over the living room rug, and some in the kitchen as well. 

When I come downstairs in the early morning, I gingerly take a look to see if she has urinated on one of the pee-pads. If she has, I do a fist bump, and never mind about the other leavings which are easy to clean up. Yes, we could do doggy diapers, but we are both resisting this.

So, how does our incontinent, aging dog tie in with the brutal dictator of Russia, Vladimir Putin? Hear me out and be patient. Here are a few things which tie in for me:

1/ I used to think our dog was competent and continent. We used to think that Putin was essentially rational and wouldn't do anything to use his nuclear arsenal or threaten his neighbors, essentially lifting his leg on their territory.


2/ Knowing our dog has a brain tumor makes me wonder what is happening in Putin's brain. Several recent stories I have read--one in the NY Times and one in The Guardian--have posited that he is off the rails, that the 2 years of Covid isolation have resulted in him being more paranoid and less rational than before. Who knows?


3/ If we give treats to our dog for peeing outside, are there any treats or concessions we can give Putin to reward him from calling a ceasefire and withdrawing from Ukraine? I would guess promising that Ukraine will not be admitted into NATO might help. Perhaps they can even carve out a bit of territory in the East where the separatists have been fighting? 

4/ Here is one more connection: we don't punish our aging dog for peeing on the carpet (though we might swear a little...) because it is not effective. Similarly, we can lift the sanctions, have Russia rejoin SWIFT, and more once he withdraws from Ukraine.


BUT--there are still two things which need to happen: 1/ Crack down on money laundering in both Britain and the U.S. This is a huge way that Russian oligarchs hide their money and influence elections in both countries. 2/ Seize the London properties and those here owned by the Russian oligarchs, and make it really difficult for them. Boris is going to have to pull up his socks, stop being such a wanker, and double down on corrupt money. Us too.

So, my peeps, I hope you have enjoyed this tour through our dog and a dictator, keeping hope that we will all come out of this alive. I have faith. I am waiting for the Russian elites and oligarchs who surround and support Putin to withdraw this support, pushing him out of power. Praying for this! 


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