We all know the earth is in trouble and that there is no "planet B", as french President Emmanuel Macron reminded us in his recent visit to Washington.  I don't think Trump or any of his cohorts will take that warning to heart. What do they think they and their descendants will do when the ice melts, the seas rise, Mar-a-Lago is under water, and the streets of Manhattan are flooded? But--since this is a Monday, and that is a day that is hard for many-- let me not descend into a pit of gloom.

Instead, let's talk about FOOD. My favorite thing. Next to my man, my "kids", God, my churches, gardens & friends, birds, and, well--you get the point. In honor of "Meatless Mondays", I am going to post what's cooking in Annie's Kitchen these days, as we honor the earth and our creator by consuming fewer resources.

Where do I begin? I start by having a cappuccino in the cool, windy a.m. (where is spring, anyway?) while my man is still sleeping. (Hint for a happy marriage: I rise early and go to bed early; he stays up late and rises late.) As our Jack Russell sniffs under the table, praying that I will drop something, I think about the evening meal. I visualize the veggie drawers in my fancy-schmancy new fridge; organic tomatoes, lemons, carrots & a big fennel bulb, orange peppers, bellas, a red onion, plus fresh herbs.  In my stuffed-to-the-gills-pantry there is some organic penne pasta. I know I should be eating whole wheat pasta, but IMHO, it just doesn't taste as good.

Around 4:45 I will start pre-heating the new oven to 400 degrees & get out my sheet pans, lining them with foil. I will cut 5 small tomatoes into chunks, slice 6 bellas & 1/2 an orange pepper, cut half a big red onion thinly from end to end, slice half a lemon, and put it all on sheet pans to roast. Then drizzle it with olive oil, sprinkle roasted sea salt & black pepper on top, sprinkle with some balsamic reduction, and put in oven for about 25 min., checking to see how it is faring. You can pan-fry two chopped garlic cloves until fragrant and add to sauce at the end.

While roasting, I boil up water in my heating contraption (remember chemo brain? What is that dang thing called?), pour it into a medium pot, and once boiling, add 1 and 1/2 cups of penne. I cook longer than directions call for, so let's try 12 min. We don't want droopy pasta though!

While this fabulousness is cooking, I will whirl up in my Cuisinart the roasted peppers, tomatoes, onions, bellas, adding garlic at the end.  Since I am out of fresh herbs (I forgot!), I chop up and add some frozen basil from the garden. The lemons are for a garnish.  Save all this in a bowl while you make the salad, and wash Cuisinart.

Take 4 organic carrots and shred them in the now-clean processor.  Scrape into lovely bowl (pottery or glass) and top with thin fennel slices, adding some torn fennel leaves for garnish. Drizzle with EVOO, balsamic reduction, and sprinkle roasted sea salt & pepper on top. Toss until mixed.

Serve cooked, drained pasta in bowls, top with chunky tomato sauce, garnish with roasted lemons, sprinkle parm on top, serve with salad on side & warm bread if you wish, (and please, use real butter as Julia Child did, and look how long she lived!) and pour either some good red wine or sparkling mineral water to drink. Remember to say grace and thanks for this bounty.

Have yourself a fine Meatless Monday, and feel good that you are not eating meat and are helping to keep your body healthy at the same time you are cherishing the earth. Salut!


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